Wadi Rum Desert Tours wadirumdeserttours

Jordan Pass

If you require a tourist visa to enter Jordan and are planning to visit Petra, you should consider purchising a Jordan Pass before you arrive in the country. The Jordan Pass costs between 70 JD and 80 JD and lets you enter over 40 attractions across Jordan, including Wadi Rum. Most importantly, it waives the tourist visa fee (40 JD) and includes a visit to Petra (50JD+). Even if you are only planning to visit Petra and Wadi Rum, the Jordan Pass will save you 25 JD. Read more about the Jordan Pass here.

Contact Us

If you are ready to make a booking or if you have some questions for us, we have three ways that you can contact us; by e-mail, by telephone or by filling out our contact form. Select the method that works best for you and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile : +962 779935081

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